Every day, new information continues to surface about COVID-19 and the different ways in which people are being affected by this virus. It is known that older people, as well as those suffering from chronic diseases, are at a greater risk of developing more serious symptoms and may have a harder time overcoming the virus. MyHealthPort provides a safe, effective solution for both medical staff and patients by offering virtual visits and remote patient monitoring.

Stopping or preventing the transmission of COVID-19

As with other respiratory infections, such as the Flu or the Common Cold, social distancing measures are essential in order to curb the transmission of disease. Staying at home significantly reduces the risk of contagion or becoming ill and helps to slow the spread of the virus to other people. MyHealthPort allows any health care team to remotely care for patients from the comfort of their own home, reducing the need for in-person doctor/patient visits.

Decreasing Health System saturation

MyHealthPort offers an effective solution to aid in helping to decrease the saturation of our health systems. Doctors and physicians that utilize MyHealthPort can continue to see patients remotely, enabling them to maximize the number of patients that are seen while still adhering to social distancing guidelines. This platform allows doctors to continue to provide their services in the most safe and efficient manner for those patients that have difficulty leaving their home during this time.

Protecting the safety of medical personnel

Just as the health and safety of patients is at an increased risk during the pandemic, so is that of those that care for the patients. The MyHealthPort Solution provides a way for medical personnel to continue to care for at-risk patients, but with minimalized risk of unnecessary exposure where possible. Doctors and physicians may leverage connected diagnostic devices to conduct daily recording of vital signs, such as blood pressure, blood oxygen, or temperature – all carried out remotely.

Flexibility for both Healthcare Centers and Patients

We understand that not every patient has access to the same technology. MyHealthPort offers the flexibility to be accessed on multiple devices, whether it be smartphone, tablet, or web browser.

Epidemiological monitoring and response

MyHealthPort’s real-time alerting system allows the healthcare team to give and receive continuous updates in relation to the patient’s behavior. In cases where the patient has already been infected with COVID-19, an epidemiological follow-up can be conducted entirely remotely.

Targeted and proactive patient management

The MyHealthPort dashboard allows healthcare personnel to view reports, vital patient data and active alerts, enabling them to prioritize those patients that require immediate attention.

Flattening the curve

The MyHealthPort Solution empowers health care centers to continue to provide care for at-risk or infected patients, enhance the safety of both healthcare workers and those they treat, while also improving the availability of care for people located in isolated areas. Offering remote medical care is one of the many ways we can help to flatten the curve of COVID-19.